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How to Decode PLU Codes on Fruits and Vegetables

In today’s health market, people are more conscious of what they put in their bodies.  However, this task can be very stressful, when trying to figure out what’s really organic vs GMO.  

When shopping for fresh produce, you might notice small stickers with numbers on fruits and vegetables. These are PLU codes (Price Look-Up codes) that provide valuable information about how the produce was grown. Learning to read these codes can help you make more informed choices about your food.

The Basics of PLU Codes

1. 4-Digit Codes (Conventionally Grown)

These codes have four digits and usually start with a number between 3 and 4.

They indicate the produce was grown using conventional methods, which may involve synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, or herbicides.


Bananas: 4011

Gala Apples: 4133

2. 5-Digit Codes Starting with 9 (Organically Grown)

A five-digit code starting with 9 means the produce is certified organic. Organic farming avoids synthetic chemicals and focuses on natural methods.

The “9” is simply added to the beginning of the conventional PLU code.


Organic Bananas: 94011

Organic Gala Apples: 94133

3. 5-Digit Codes Starting with 8 (GMO)

A five-digit code starting with 8 was originally intended to identify genetically modified (GMO) produce. However, this labeling is rarely used in practice.

If you see a code starting with “8,” the produce may be genetically engineered, but GMOs are often not explicitly labeled in the U.S.


GMO Papaya: 84805

Quick Reference Guide

4011: Conventional Banana

94011: Organic Banana

84805: GMO Papaya

Tips for Smarter Shopping

Choose Organic: Look for codes that start with 9 if you want organic produce.

Be Cautious with GMOs: While codes starting with 8 are rare, they may indicate genetically modified produce. For non-GMO assurance, check for a Non-GMO Project Verified label.

Double-Check Packaging: If PLU codes aren’t present, look for certifications like the USDA Organic seal or the Non-GMO Project Verified label for added confidence.

Why It Matters

Understanding PLU codes can help you support sustainable farming practices, avoid synthetic chemicals, or steer clear of genetically modified foods. It’s a simple way to align your grocery purchases with your health and environmental values.

Keep this guide handy for your next grocery trip, and feel confident that you’re making informed choices!

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